Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Weekend Update

We actually did some fun stuff last weekend.

Friday: Through work I hooked up a "Behind the Scenes" pass to the Milwaukee Public Museum. We got to tour the IMAX projection area and the see where and how the planetarium shows are created. Pretty cool computer and audio gear there. Also we went to different departments and saw some the places where museum types do their work and the stuff they are working on. Again pretty neat stuff. Dinner was at a new place called "Triskele's" once we found it. Nice and reasonable priced dinner.

Saturday: Rode the 'Tosa Trails" for a short time. Contrary to popular belief I thought they were still too wet. After 30 minutes the SASS was covered in mud and had not fallen once. Went home to get the Blue Bike ready for Sunday.

Saturday Continued:
Please don't try this at home. The Puppetry of the Penis. There are no puppets. There are 2 blokes who stand in front of the theater full of people bare ass naked ('cept for a pair of Chucks) and do origami with their johnsons. They perform a series of "Dick Tricks" the show begs many questions not the least of which "Who thought this was a good idea?" and "Why would you do that?" and also "Doesn't that hurt?".

Sunday: After Saturdays entertainment, I should have gotten right to church on Sunday morning. Well I was having a religious experience f sorts. The first real mountain bike ride of the season. A bunch of Benders gathered at Blue to ride some of the best trails around, We rode for nearly 3 hours when all was said and done. Weather was perfect. 60's and sunny. It really does not get any better.

All in all a decent weekend, I don't need a repeat on the pee pee party but I won't get enough of trail riding.

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