Thursday, December 10, 2009

My New Apron

Neat little stocking stuffer Amy found.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Get yer Transplant On

OK one more try at this, seems I found a way to delete entire blog posts with out even trying.

So back to the transplant story. On Nov 8th - yes the very next day - the phone rang again. At 0500 UW Madison caled again. They had anohter set of organs. Now keep in mnd that I got the fist call 15 days after getting on the transplant list. Thats pretty quick. I knew that I wasthe number one candidate in the Ablood group. So when I got sent home I was not too disapointed because I had not been waiting al that long. I figure another couple of weeks I might get caled again. I never expected les than 24 hours.

We repeated the fire drill we learned on Saturday morning - finding someone to watch Will - we never unpacked so we were ready to go - we called the gang of friends and family again - we drop at top leagl speed+ to Madison.

Once we got there we started thepre op prcedures again. I felt a differance right away, everything seemed to be hapening with a greater sense of urgency. They insert 2 IV lines, drew yet more blood, made certain I was "empty", had me shower with special soap to wash my belly,and met with a parade of Doctors and Nurses. I actualy had the same Nurse assigned as the day before.

We arrived at UW Hostipal around 8am and around 1230 I was wheeled down to the Pre Op room as opposed to being in my assigned room. Last I remeber here is that they were going to give me something for the anxiety - Well it knocked me out. Amy was not ready for this. Like me she thought that it would just take the edge off. Shortly after that I was wheeled into to surgery. Game On!!

The surgery took just over 5 hours. The team called Amy with regular updates. They installed the kidney first. They calad Amy and let her know that as soon as it was hooked up it started producing pee. No Lazy kidney here! Next was the pancreas. Again as soon as it was hooked up it started working.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A whole lot has happened

So as you all already know I am not the most prolific blogger. A lot has happened since my last update. Namely I got my transplant!! I'll step you through it. The whole experience has been pretty amazing.

The process started Saturday Morning November 7th. The phone rang at 530am. It was the on call transplant nurse at UW Madison Health services. She said that they had some organs and that my name came up on the top of the list. Was I interested? Well duh...She explained that I needed to find my way there ASAP to get ready. SO having nothing packed Amy and I started making calls to get Will taken care of. Amy's brother Dan came over right away for the first shift of Will watching. Her folks were to arrive a little later and take him for a day or two after that. SO we pack and off to Madison we go. Along the way we are busy call friends and family with the news.

Once at the hospital we get checked in and shown to my room. The room is pretty tiny but it will have to do. The team starts getting me prepped. blood work, BP, IVs, gowns etc... The explain the events that will lead up to the actual surgery. Somewhere in the middle of this Amy who has not yet had breakfast or lunch ducks out to find the cafeteria and grab a bite. It is at this moment one of the doc pops in and tells me that itm is Game Off. Seems the donor pancreas is not viable.

The donor had suffered massive head trauma and was determined to be brain dead. After the family says their goodbyes the donor is taken off life support. The expectation is that life ceases and the procurement process begins. This did not happen in a timely fashion. After 30 minutes off life support the pancreas is no longer viable. This is what happened. This donors kidneys however were still used so there were still 2 kidney transplants that day. For me it was a false alarm.

So they sent us home. On the way home we re-call everyone we called on the way to pass on the update. We were disappointed but since I had only been on the list for 2 weeks we were pretty certain that the next wait would not be too long.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Playin' Bikes in Blue

I journeyed up to good old West Bend to Ride bikes with my ol' biking buddy Steve. We hit Glacial Blue Hills and rode some laps. Since I've moved to 'Tosa I haven't taken the opportunity to ride the WB trails. I nearly forgot how nice they are.

Cool Pic Taken out on the trail

Old Biking Buddy Steve


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yet More Dialysis

So that catheter is giving us grief again today. The tech was here constantly for the for 45 minutes or so. I am finally running at a 250 blood pump speed and am running with fewer alarms. However with a speed that low I am not getting good dialysis. With my old catheter I was in the 500 range.

We just had to turn the fluid extraction off, my calves are starting to cramp. Part of dialysis is excess fluid removal. Since my kidneys are at pretty low function I tend to turn much of what I drink into excess weight (retained fluid) the machine extracts it during the the dialysis process and it seems I have reached my limit. We did take of 2.5 liters of the planned 2.9 so I will not drown from he inside.

Monday, October 26, 2009



I sent in all my paperwork to UW Madison Health system. It was reviewed quickly and Marlyn (the KP transplant coordinator) we going to get me listed ASAP. I have not received a conformation yet but expect it any day. She told me that they have done 6 KP transplants since the end of August. I am the top of the list for the A blood group. I am hopeful that I will get the call soon.

More details as I know them.


My catheter is not working all that well. It alarms quite often during the dialysis. Some days have been better then others. Last week it ran so poorly they have to end the treatment early as the dializer was clotting off. It becomes circular, the catheter stops the blood flow - the when the blood flow stops it clots - when it clots too much the machine stiops and the blood clots more. And so on and so on.....Today is runs OKish. not a ton of alarms and they can run the blood pump a little faster than they could before. Faster blood pump equals better dialysis.


Is still cute as hell. See photo below. Will is always an entertaining little dude.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Officially on the list

October 12 2009
I am officially on the list to receive a kidney / pancreas transplant. After much discussion on the merits of live donor transplant vs. getting my new organs from a cadaver. It boiled down to one surgery vs two, one course of anti rejection drugs vs two.

Of course the down side is that I am on dialysis until my name pops up for the next available A blood group set of organs. So I wait.

Some numbers...
At Froedert, I am the only one on the list for A blood group organs. The last recipient was on the list for 5 months.
At UW Madison where I am working to get on the list at the moment I also be at the top of the A blood group list. The last recipient was listed for 6 days prior to transplant.

I can wait that long. We will review where we are if after about 6 months nothing happens.

In this game, being of blood group A is a bonus.
Percentages of the population by blood groups
O - 47%
A - 40%
B - 9%
AB - 4%

Whilest A is a smaller number than O, the wait time is significantly shorter then O. The wait times for O blood groups are measured in years and the live donor would be the best options.

I will keep you all posted. Dialysis is nearly done so I am saving this for you all to read.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Project Day

It was time to replace the screens with the winders'. After I accomplished this I went for a nice fall bike ride

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Afternoon Bike Ride

Somehow I avaoided the rain. Got about an hour in.

Dailysis was a failure again today. I gave up after about 90 minutes. Pressure alarm aafter pressure alarm. I will be going in tomorrow morning to try get my catheter sorted out. If we can't I may need to get a new one installed.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I have been negligent in my blogging. I want to keep this thing update and really have no excuse since I am getting in a chair for hours a day....

A few updates

I have started doing dialysis at home. My machine showed up last Friday. There have been some bumps in the road. I hope the smooth out soon as a treatment that should take 2 hours is taking 3.5 - 4 hours. Pics to follow.

Amy and I went to visit with the fine folks in Madison last Thursday, we arrived in a timely manner only to learn that the appoint was actually on Friday. Oopps.... As penance I had to spent the afternoon shopping with Amy. Not that I dont enjoy spending time with Amy, I just don't care for shopping. We stayed in Mad Town and had diner with bother Matt and his SO Julie.

So I ventured back to Mad Town on Friday. What I learned.
1. Madison Transplants quickly. If I get on the list I will be the only on the list for a Kidney / Pancreas transplant for Blood type A
2. UW Madison is out of network - this means it would be very expensive
3. UW Madison is in Madison. There are many follow ups and possibly several hospitalisations along the way. The distance makes it hrder for Will care and family visits.

So what do do...what to do...

Madison can transplant faster (probably but statistically speaking is likely faster)
Froedert is closer in network but for a KP transplant the list is longer

We are also looking at a live donor (my brother Matt is leading that pack) in Milwaukee with a pancreas transplant to follow. More on that to follow

I am ready to come ff the machine so I will do an update again the next couple of days.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Expierance the Differance

I have for the past week been trying out a different dialysis. Click HERE to see the machine. This is a home dialysis machine. If I choose to move forward I could be trained to operate this guy and have it at my home. I would then dialyzes 6 days a week at home for a shorter period of time (around 2 hours) rather than 3 times a week for 4 hours. I would also be able to do on my schedule. So if all goes well in a couple of weeks I will be training on care and feeding of this machine and then be doing dialysis at home.

They have me doing a little bit of my own connection now. It is kinda' freaky hooking your self up and watching your own blood flowing into the machine. Even freakier (is that even a word) is the manipulation of syringes full of my own blood. I am sure that with time I will get used to it but I am not quite there yet.

News on the transplant front:

I have an appointment for a cardiac consult in a couple of weeks. I guess they need to consult before they cath me.

I called Madison and after several conversation I am meeting with them in late September. This is the pre-listing meeting. They say the wait is shorter there I guess we'll see.

My donors are going through the paces to get tested. They have completed the paper work and are awaiting further instruction.

Will Stuff

We think Will may be some food allergies, We over the Independence Day holiday he turned red and blotchy. So we are getting him tested for allergies. Not sure if this is the good news or not but they don't do the scratch test any more. They do blood tests. So on Monday Amy to Will to the clinic to get a blood draw. After 2 pokes the draw was unsuccessful. He had 2 bandages and was quite unhappy after the experience. Thursday I took him to a different clinic across from Children's Hospital. As soon as they put the tourniquet on he know hat was next Afer olne unsuccessful poke theu were finally able to get the blood drawn. Ill let you know the results.

Friday, August 7, 2009

I am not on the list.......yet

Well the committee met on Monday. I learned on Wednesday that I am not on the list yet. The decision o the committee was that I will need to undergo a cardiac catheterisation prior to getting on the list. Whilst my last stress test was good and showed nothing of interest the committee feels that I need this procedure "just to be sure" that there are no hidden heartr goblins. I asked if going for a hard mountain bike ride wouldn't give the same results. Nope they still want to see the pics.

Soooo in the next week or two I will be going in for a look see of the inside of my heart. I want to see ifin' they will give me the pics to post!

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Transplant Team

Yesterday Amy and I met with the transplant team. We have the coordinator, my newest best friend, the Surgeon, the Ca$hola Lady (these things are stupid expensive) a social worker, the dietitian and some lady that kept popping in with papers.

So where are we in this process? After meeting with all of the above it looks like I am good to go for getting on the list. But its not that easy. The team I met with presents my case to the greater transplant committee. They decide. Based on conversations the most likely additional thing I may need to do is a cardiac catheterisation. Ill know on Monday for sure.

So I get on the list for a kidney and pancreas. While I am waiting for the organ fairy those who have offered to be live donors are getting to tested to see if they match. Until I know if any one is a match I don't really need to decide much. If there is a match then I need to decide whether to go with a live donor kidney or wait for the kidney and pancreas to arrive.

Live donor organ tend to last longer than cadaver organs, but then that 2 surguries to install them. Also getting a live done kidney can cause the with for a pancreas to lenghten. But according to the surgeon 85% of the quality of live comes from the kidney. However imagine NO MORE DIABETES.....As the Doc pointed out, there is no wrong decision here. However it works out will better then dialysis.

Ill keep you all posted to any new developments.


Friday, July 24, 2009


Some news Items

Work- The doc recommends one more week of down time. So I should be headin' back to work on or about August 3. Hope that it "works".

Dialysis- Amy and I participated in a Dailysis options program earlier this week. I am going to investigate at home hemodialysis. Would mean 2 - 2.5 hours 5 - 6 days a week. I would have a smaller machine at my home. Looks like this may be the BBD (bigger better deal). I will checkout the program in a couple of weeks.

Transplant - Amy and I meet with the transplant team on Thursday July 30 we will get the real deal from the folks at Froedert. Stuff that I have learned so far. It seems that the kidney AND pancreas transplant is the way to go. Imagine NO MORE DIABETES!! This is a reality. The transplant list is also shorter for 2 organs than it is for one. I have been told it is 9 - 18 months once on the list. If I go this way I am better to NOT get a kidney from living donor. It makes the match for the pancreas that much harder. More on this in a week.

Will - is still cute as ever, He will be one in a week. How time flies. Seems like just weeks ago I was being handed a tiny newborn. He is now walking, or shall I say toddling. He also has a few words now. He says Hi, Uh Oh, and All Done. Sometimes he says these over and over. Now for the cute pic of the week.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Off to Crusty Butt Colorado


Josh plus Tina plus Justin. Soon to be legally one big happy family!

Transplant stuff
Amy and went to transplant class this week. Covered the basics of what happens from a reciepient and donor point of view. At the moment it look like I am a good candidate however Ill bet there are alo many others. Currently there are 77000 folks looking for a kidney and last year nationwide about 16000 tansplants performed. And 1/2 of those were from live donors.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mark and his Friend

Me and my friend. We spend about 4 hours a day 3 days a week togather. I expect that we will do so for quite some time.

Friday, July 10, 2009

My Newest Friend

The Fresenius 2008K Hemo dialysis Machine
Read more about it athe the companies site!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm baaaack - Dailysis Day 19

Ok so I haven't blogged in a while. Actually it's been nearly a year. Being a new dad takes most of my free time. I still get to do some stuff that I did before just not as often. Not that I am complaining you see. Being Will's dad is about the best thing that I can think of. Next to being Amy's partner. Nope not married yet. Coming soon!

Events lately have given me reason to pick up the digital pen again. Not sure if anyone will be reading these. Ifin' you do let me know.

As the title of this blog suggests I have started dialysis...@ days after father days I called the doc at the behest of Amy. Best is not really a strong enough word really, She nagged cried and sent pics of Will. I was not doing all that well. To say I was a tad under the weather is an understatement. I was often nauseous, getting nightly legs cramps that would have sitting bolt upright and howling; I was tired, dragged out and just plain "off my game...". So finally I relented and went to see the doc.

The doc gave several possible diagnosis, 1 Most likely an electrolyte imbalance, 2. Some type of kidney issue, and 3. A reaction to the antibiotic I have been taking for an ear infection (not likely but possible). Confirmation would be by giving them several tubes of blood for testing.

About 15 minutes of arriving home the docs office called, they could not wait for my doc to get in the mooring. The on call doc called with the results. I was in renal failure. I nearly threw up. As a diabetic for 35 years this is not an uprising diagnosis. Unexpected but not surprising.

The on call doc was quite insistent that I immediately get myself to the nearest hospital. I told him that I live but minutes from Frodert, He told me to, and that this was better than being in WB since St Joes did not have dialysis available in house.

I told Amy all of this. Within minutes she had me and Will in the car. She had called to get someone to watch will (thanks Dan!!). Now if you are going to get checked in for kidney issues Froedert is the place to be. The e=room staff took some more blood to confirm the diagnoses, they gave me stuff to help the symptoms, they tested and rested to validate the tests. It seemed that they were constantly taking more blood for several hours. The finally got me situated in the transplant floor at 200am.

I was hospitalized until the following Sunday. During that time I had a permcath insalled in my right shoulder. This is where I get hooked up to the dialysis machine. In the hospital they hooked mar up 4 times.

Dialysis is an exercise in boredom. You get to sit in a chair for (in my case) up to 3.5 hours. I have read quite a few magazines, watched a bit of TV. I got myself a new laptop and hope to make the time more productive.

Since my released from captivity I have a 3 times a week schedule that has settled in on MWF at 245. I hope to update this blog regularly during this time. I will keep you posted with how things are going; more detail on stuff that got m here, assorted randomness that occurs to and is of interest to me.

To answer the question most often asked. "How ya' doing...?" I am doing very well. I am feeling well; one of the side effects of dialysis is a nagging tiredness. That is getting better as well. I am getting more energy every day.

Feel free to give me a call. Please leave feedback with anything that that you want to know, or just let me know that you are checking in.


mmg 7/8/09