Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Cross Project

After spending most of the winter as parts in the bike room the cross project is finally on the road. My cross project started life in The Rusty Tool Shed, I was looking for a bike for the Red Haired Girl. I normally ride a 53 or a 54 so I thought maybe a 56 would fit her. And if not it was for sale at a hell of a price. So with a wad of Jacksons in my pocket I took this beauty off his hands

After a ride we came to the conclusion that the Red Haired Girl is not a 56 and neither am I. I was going to eBay the whole thing. But got to thinking......hmmm...It really would be a sin to profit from the sale of this bike...(OK its not but work with me here). I checked Ebay and other online sources and finaaly came to a solution.

52CM GUNNAR CROSSHAIRS CYCLOCROSS FRAME VERY NICE!! on eBay from a nice gentleman in Alabama that did even ride it to church. I bought the frame, stripped the above bike and screwed the parts on to the correct sized frame, added a carbon fork, a few other bits here and there and ended up with.
And I may even cross race it.

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