Thursday, April 17, 2008

On the edge of Gichigami

Last weekend the Red Haired Girl and I decided to skip town for a couple of days and headed north. Riding was out of the question as we fought our way through what ended being about 8 inches of April Snow.
Not having a plan we ventured even further north on Saturday. Went to the edge of Gichigami. We made it to Bayfield for lunch overlooking the Madeline Island Ferry landing. After a lunch of mighty fine burgers we went in search of "cute shopping"

Turns out most (not all, most) of the cute shopping is closed for the season. We perused some junk shops. Found a gallery or two, had a decent cup of organic coffee and were on our way with a promise to return when the days were warmer and the shopping more plentiful.

On the way there I had seen this, think old stuff like this is pretty cool I stopped for a closer look on our return trip. This is an old ore dock built in 1916 in Ashland Wi. When it use it was 1000 ft long and was used for filling ore ships (as the name suggests). It is endangered of being torn down. The lawyers are concerned that some poor schmuck will be messing around and get hurt. While it really serves no purpose other than being iconic of Norther Wisconsin's Mining heritage it is a pretty neat and unmistakable landmark in Ashland Wi and the poor schmuck who messes around there be damned.

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