Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I have been negligent in my blogging. I want to keep this thing update and really have no excuse since I am getting in a chair for hours a day....

A few updates

I have started doing dialysis at home. My machine showed up last Friday. There have been some bumps in the road. I hope the smooth out soon as a treatment that should take 2 hours is taking 3.5 - 4 hours. Pics to follow.

Amy and I went to visit with the fine folks in Madison last Thursday, we arrived in a timely manner only to learn that the appoint was actually on Friday. Oopps.... As penance I had to spent the afternoon shopping with Amy. Not that I dont enjoy spending time with Amy, I just don't care for shopping. We stayed in Mad Town and had diner with bother Matt and his SO Julie.

So I ventured back to Mad Town on Friday. What I learned.
1. Madison Transplants quickly. If I get on the list I will be the only on the list for a Kidney / Pancreas transplant for Blood type A
2. UW Madison is out of network - this means it would be very expensive
3. UW Madison is in Madison. There are many follow ups and possibly several hospitalisations along the way. The distance makes it hrder for Will care and family visits.

So what do do...what to do...

Madison can transplant faster (probably but statistically speaking is likely faster)
Froedert is closer in network but for a KP transplant the list is longer

We are also looking at a live donor (my brother Matt is leading that pack) in Milwaukee with a pancreas transplant to follow. More on that to follow

I am ready to come ff the machine so I will do an update again the next couple of days.

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