Friday, July 31, 2009

The Transplant Team

Yesterday Amy and I met with the transplant team. We have the coordinator, my newest best friend, the Surgeon, the Ca$hola Lady (these things are stupid expensive) a social worker, the dietitian and some lady that kept popping in with papers.

So where are we in this process? After meeting with all of the above it looks like I am good to go for getting on the list. But its not that easy. The team I met with presents my case to the greater transplant committee. They decide. Based on conversations the most likely additional thing I may need to do is a cardiac catheterisation. Ill know on Monday for sure.

So I get on the list for a kidney and pancreas. While I am waiting for the organ fairy those who have offered to be live donors are getting to tested to see if they match. Until I know if any one is a match I don't really need to decide much. If there is a match then I need to decide whether to go with a live donor kidney or wait for the kidney and pancreas to arrive.

Live donor organ tend to last longer than cadaver organs, but then that 2 surguries to install them. Also getting a live done kidney can cause the with for a pancreas to lenghten. But according to the surgeon 85% of the quality of live comes from the kidney. However imagine NO MORE DIABETES.....As the Doc pointed out, there is no wrong decision here. However it works out will better then dialysis.

Ill keep you all posted to any new developments.


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