Friday, February 1, 2008

The Purple Goat has Landed

I ordered the Purple Goat in August - after sone back and forth I decided to have it custom painted. I thought a deep candy purple with hot rod flames would look cool. I discussed the paint scheme with the painter dude. Alrighty then once he has the frame it is a couple of weeks and I should have the finished product in hand. The painter received the frame around the end of September. Keep in mind that its Febuary 1 today. I checked about once a month on the status. I try not be a PITA, I understand that custom work can take time.

Every month I hear "just a couple more weeks..." I let the couple weeks pass and then a coupleple more and check back.


Only a week or 2, its purple now just got to paint the flames.....

a month passes

Got the flames on it just need to clear coat it......

more time passes and yesterday I got am email from the builder. Its back in thier hands and it stunning. I cant wait to see it. Oh and yeah the painter got his hands on a decal do you won't be getting the the fancy bronze headbadge. Arrgggg....

The decal is clear coated onver so we cant just peel it off. Oh well it sill look good. See the pic's. I should have it in my hands in the next week or so, then I can start the build process.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mark, hope it was worth the wait! I think it cam out great ans can't wait to see it built. Russ, the painter, has always been really slow around the holidays. I think he takes a couple of weeks off and lets the work pile up around him.
    Mountain Goat Cycles


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